Armand raised an eyebrow at Cooper’s words. “Even if our marriage is fake, that’s between the two of
us. We don’t need you to butt in.”
“I raised her! Of course I should butt in!” Cooper said firmly.
He knew there was no way he could have a fair fight against the Faulkner family or Armand, but he had
already lost her once and he wasn’t about to do it again.
Even if he were to lose his life this time around, he wanted to protect Genevieve.
He couldn’t defeat Armand on his own, but there were too many people who wanted Armand dead.
As long as he could drag Armand down, he didn’t care who he had to work together with.
Armand spotted a nearly undetectable emotion in Cooper’s eyes.
Almost immediately, he felt as if someone had shoved cotton balls into his throat and blocked his
airway, stopping him from breathing smoothly.
This time, he used enough force to completely dislocate Cooper’s wrist before tossing him away like a
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtpiece of rubbish.
Cooper stumbled backward and tried his best to stand still as his right hand hung next to him weakly.
“Cooper, it was all because of you that she lost her parents and her family.” Armand snorted. “If it
weren’t for me, do you think you would have been able to see her and apologize to her?”
Cooper’s heart ached when he remembered what he had done, but he quickly said, “I really did love
Genev, but I trusted the wrong people and made a mistake. I still have a lot of time to stay by her side
and redeem myself, but you, Mr. Faulkner, you’re a bigger douchebag than I was. All you did was use
her and win her over. You already killed two people yourself. How clean do you think your hands are?”
Armand’s eyes were filled with murderous intent.
Suddenly, the door opened.
Timothy walked in with his hands in the pockets of his white coat. He said lazily, “I can hear you guys
bickering from the corridor.”
He leaned against the door frame and reminded them, “Genevieve’s mental state isn’t the best right
now, and she’s just suffered a miscarriage. She needs to rest. If either of you guys really loved her,
then you wouldn’t be arguing next to her bed.”
Cooper looked down and sighed in relief when he saw Genevieve sleeping peacefully.
He didn’t continue arguing with Armand as he brushed past Timothy and walked out.
His lawyer had been outside waiting for him this whole time. The moment Cooper walked out, the both
of them left together.
He was about to ask Cooper if he wanted to stop by the orthopedic department for his wrist when he
saw the other man snap his own wrist back into place.
The lawyer simply watched speechlessly.
“Go back and get two bodyguards to watch over her. Just stand guard in the shadows,” Cooper
instructed his lawyer as he massaged his wrist.
He paused before saying, “Also, prepare another contract.”
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
After Cooper left, Timothy brought Armand to his office. He locked the door and took out a few cans of
beer from his mini fridge and passed one to Armand after opening it.
Feeling rather frustrated, Armand grabbed the can and downed half of the content.
His brow was still tightly furrowed.
“I’m drinking with you because I’m not on duty today. Otherwise, I’d have long kicked you out,” Timothy
said, then took a few gulps of beer. He put down his can and looked at Armand. “I told you to tell
Genevieve right off the bat, didn’t I? It would have been fine if she had just turned you down back then.
But you used Old Mrs. Faulkner forcing you to get married as an excuse to play with Genevieve’s
feelings. Good job, Armand! The Oscars is just around the corner. If you were nominated, you would
definitely win the prize for Best Actor!”
On any other day, Armand would have already kicked Timothy and sent him flying.
However, he was in no mood for that today.
Armand downed can after can of beer, and he quickly finished everything that Timothy had brought out.
He was beginning to show signs of depression.
As soon as he allowed himself to zone out, the blood dripping down Genevieve’s leg came to his mind.
It was crimson red.
It was almost as if he could smell the blood again.